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GOLDEN STATE KILLER | Joseph DeAngelo is facing his Bay Area victims in court
GOLDEN STATE KILLER | Joseph DeAngelo is facing his Bay Area victims in court
WATCH: Golden State Killer faces victims for second day in court before sentencing | August 19, 2020
Victim impact statements heard as Joseph DeAngelo faces sentencing
More victims to face Joseph DeAngelo in court on Wednesday
'Evil Monster' Golden State Killer Joseph DeAngelo hears from his victims in court
'Golden State Killer' faces his victims in court
‘Golden State Killer’ - Joseph DeAngelo to Hear Victim Impact Statements
Families of Golden State Killer murder victims testify before court, Joseph DeAngelo
Golden State Killer, Joseph DeAngelo, apologizes in court
‘I am not what happened to me’: Survivors tell their stories to Joseph DeAngelo
GOLDEN STATE KILLER CASE | Joseph DeAngelo is continuing to plead guilty